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Handmade code 1

Handmade code 2

Handmade code 3

Our Story

Our story begins with the village of Jiria, which is thousands of years old. A village in Farahan region, whose quality of carpets is famous in Iran. The art of carpet weaving is a family profession among the people of Jiria village. The first generation of carpet business in our family was started professionally in 1111 by Mirza (grandfather of your grandfather). Mirza (father, grandfather/grandmother) has been effective in introducing Jiria carpets to businessmen of different countries by developing carpet sales. The third generation of our business was transformed by the artist hands of a woman. The lady (your great-grandmother) whose skill in weaving and her unique artistry is the cause of stunning. We in the fourth generation are equipped with the experience of the past and we look at the needs of the world today. At this stage, we want to weave carpets exclusively according to the customers’ taste and with completely natural materials with the fingers of the artists of Jiria people.


Lorem Epsom is a mock text with an incomprehensible simplicity produced by the printing industry and used by graphic designers. Lorem Epsom is a mock text with an incomprehensible simplicity produced by the printing industry and used by graphic designers.


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